This residency has encapsulated everything you want from a scheme like this. The supportive atmosphere in the room really encouraged you to explore your own ideas in a way that you wouldn’t back at home.
Aileen Ritchie, YFF21 Participant
Having the opportunity to talk to people that you’d nearly never have a chance to in normal circumstances has been incredible.
Lorna King, YFF21 Participant
Writing can often be quite solitary so it’s an amazing thing being put together with producers, writers, and directors, informally discussing the projects and picking up some of their practical wisdom and experience.
Keiron Nicholson, YFF21 Participant
It’s not often that you get the opportunity to gather such an amazing crowd of people in the same place.
Lana Pheutan, YFF21 Participant
The residency is the icing on the cake and I’ve learnt such a lot. Hopefully this will keep me moving forward, keep me motivated and open some doors for my career.
Holly Tenant, YFF21 Participant
By the end of the week, I have a much clearer understanding of the story I am trying to tell.
Manu Kurewa, YFF21 Participant
It’s been a really collaborative process with my mentor. It’s so different when you meet face to face with experienced Film and TV professionals that have read your script and can give you important feedback.
Rachelle Atalla, YFF21 Participant
It’s been an amazing opportunity which has given me the confidence to start looking for an agent.
Nas Saraei, YFF21 Participant
It has been very inspiring for me. It has challenged me in unforeseen ways and has got me to challenge my own work.
Micheal Lee Richardson, YFF19 Participant
Young Films week has been a much bigger journey than I thought it was going to be.
Daisy Costello, YFF19 Participant
It has all been such valuable time and I would thoroughly recommend it.
Ali Taylor, YFF19 Participant
This week has made me feel like I’m on the inside. That is such a gift.
Omar Raza, YFF19 Participant
A whirlwind of ideas and inspiration— grab it with both hands and get on with it.
Emma Lennox, YFF19 Participant
I had a lot of feedback and what stood out was there was too much happening and the heart of the story wasn’t coming through.
John Murdo Macaulay, YFF19 Participant
YFF didn’t leave any rock unturned. I don’t know where the gaps are. I don’t think there are any gaps in what we could have covered.
Rory Gibson, YFF18 Participant
It was so nice to have such wonderful support from such incredible mentors.
Robin Haig, YFF18 Participant
I managed to push the story idea even further than I had imagined I could.
Lucas Hih Peng Kao, YFF18 Participant
As participants we got on really well and were very involved in each other’s projects in a supportive way.
Caitlin Black, YFF18 Participant
This unique access to this sort of information and critique has blown my mind.
Pauline Boyle, YFF18 Participant
It was interesting to listen to them, the different views and perspectives people had of the stories, the same story but people see things from a different perspective from others.
Tormod Macleod, YFF18 Participant